Clean AC filters are one of the cheapest and easiest ways to keep your air conditioning unit running at peak performance. It’s also critical to the well-being of your equipment. A dirty AC filter is the top reason many HVAC systems fail. Dirty filters reduce air flow and put additional strain on the fan motor. Over time, this can cause the motor to stop functioning. The simple act of changing air filters can keep your AC system working correctly and lengthen the life of the system.
Most expert AC service and repair centers suggest replacing air filters at least every three months and often more frequently, especially if you live in areas where there’s a lot of dust and dirt.
Arizona is often hit with monsoons and dust storms in the summer months, which can negatively impact your AC filters. If you couple this with pets and small children who go in and out of doors – you may need to change filters at a much higher frequency.
Spring cleaning is a great time to have a checklist of all the things you need to tackle around your home. Touch up paint, re-arrange rooms, clean windows, etc. As you do your deep house cleaning, you may also stir up unwanted dust. As part of your spring cleaning checklist, the last thing you should do is replace your air filter. Same goes for after the holiday season, when you may be lugging boxes that have been in storage for a year. They are sure to collect unwanted dust. After the trees and decorations are packed away, make a note to check your air filter to make sure it’s clean or change if you need to change it.
Phone| 480.478.6425
Address| P.O. Box 50081
Phoenix, AZ 85076