Get the most out of your A/C this summer and save money on repair costs by performing a little preventative maintenance. Enjoy improved home comfort and lower monthly bills by keeping your A/C unit in top condition when temperatures start to rise. Here are a few simple tips to get you started in the right direction.
Change or Replace Air Filter
A/C air filters should be cleaned or replaced at least once a year. Always refer to manufacturer instructions when cleaning or replacing air filters. A dirty air filter will greatly diminish your indoor air quality over time. A clogged air filter will have to work much harder to maintain indoor air temperature as well, contributing to higher energy bills. A dirty air filter may also cause an A/C unit to overheat or fail, possibly costing hundreds of dollars to repair. Finally, dirty air filters pose a potential safety hazard, especially if the A/C unit is prone to overheating. If you’re A/C unit is in need of a new air filter, consider purchasing a HEPA rated filter for improved air quality. A HEPA filter works much better at preventing pollen, mold, dust mites and volatile organic compounds from entering your home.
Clean Condenser Coils
Remove any and all debris that have collected on the unit itself. Leaves, grass and dirt should be carefully removed with a moist towel. If the amount of debris gathered on your A/C is just too much to wipe clean, unplug the unit and spray it down with a water hose. Some A/C units are best cleaned with an application of specialty condenser coil cleaner. Again, always refer to manufacturer instructions before cleaning.
Clean Ductwork
Over time, your home’s ductwork will collect a tremendous amount of dust and grime. This material contains mold, allergens, dust and other environmental pollutants that will have an adverse effect on indoor air quality. If you notice grime building up in your air ducts, considering having your air ducts cleaned. This will help improve the efficiency of your A/C year round and improve indoor air quality. Never attempt to clean air ducts without the proper training or equipment as it will likely cause more indoor air problems than it would solve, always hire a professional.
Invest in an Inspection
It’s often a good idea to have a professional HVAC technician examine your A/C once a year. This will help alleviate issues with components breaking down or other possible equipment failures. The right professional will also be able to offer helpful insights into improving your home’s energy efficiency, indoor air and overall comfort. It’s better to spend a small amount of preventative maintenance now than thousands later down the line for a new A/C unit.
Purchase Upgraded Thermostat
If you continue to receive high A/C bills in spite of efforts to reduce energy usage, it may be time to invest in an improved thermostat system. Old thermostats have a tendency to break down easily and not operate at optimum efficiency. Some of today’s best thermostats allow users to customize a schedule for cooling cycles which will have a big impact on energy costs. Also, you will be helping to increase the lifespan of your A/C by reducing the workload.
To receive expert help preparing your Phoenix home for the hot summer ahead, contact Service Smith, LLC today. For over 20 years, Service Smith has served satisfied clients throughout the Phoenix area and continues to honor its commitment to outstanding customer service.
Phone| 480.478.6425
Address| P.O. Box 50081
Phoenix, AZ 85076